Rightsizing Your Life

Rightsizing Your Life:

Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most

Publisher: Hachette Book Group/Springboard Press, 2007

ISBN: 0821258133


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Named by the Wall Street Journal as “One of the Top 5 Books on Retirement,” Rightsizing is more than a handbook about the process of planning a new environment, jettisoning a lifetime’s worth of surplus household items, and moving painlessly into a more suitable space. It is also a comprehensive guide to the emotional passage that this winnowing process entails, providing a prescription for dealing with the internal hurdles that can easily sabotage sensible decision-making.

The paring down of a lifetime of possessions and furnishing a “new” life with things that have meaning liberates people in mid-life to pursue their passions such as travel or hobbies without the responsibilities of too much “stuff” weighing them down.

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Awards & Accolades:

  • "One of the Top 5 Books on Retirement," 2007, Wall Street Journal
  • 5 times featured on “Growing Bolder” Radio program and on www.growingbolder.com
  • Feature articles in national press, including USA Today, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, AARP, The Magazine

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